Episode 12 – The Power of Solar on Brownfield Sites w/ Annika Colston

What do closed landfills, sand and gravel pits, quarries, and formerly-mined coal sites all have in common? They are all candidates for solar development. In this episode of Redevelopment Trailblazers, we speak with Annika Colston, Founder and President of AC Power, the only company of its kind that focuses solely on the development of solar on[…]

Episode 11 – The Economic Transformation of the South Bronx w/ Neil Pariser

The South Bronx has undergone an exciting transformation over the course of many years. In this episode of Redevelopment Trailblazers, we get a first-hand account from Neil Pariser, the former SVP of the South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (SoBRO). Through decades of work in this community, Neil led efforts to create affordable housing and[…]

Episode 10 – What the Brownfields Redevelopment Story Tells Us About the Future of Environmental Policy w/ Mary Ann Grena Manley

EPA’s brownfields program is a policy innovation success story. For decades, the program has empowered communities and other stakeholders to clean up and reuse contaminated sites safely. With increased data transparency, emerging technologies, and unprecedented levels of brownfields funding, the stars are aligned for expanding the redevelopment space. With a background in law, environmental policy[…]

Episode 9 – Recasting Your City w/ Ilana Preuss

What is small-scale manufacturing, and how can it bring Main Streets and downtowns back to life? In this episode of the Redevelopment Institute Podcast, Leslie Parrish interviews Ilana Preuss, Founder and CEO of Recast City, who explains how this dynamic approach to economic development bolsters local businesses and helps communities grow and thrive in an inclusive and[…]

2023 Grant Funding Announced

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that approximately $169 million in funding is available for Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup Grants under the Fiscal Year 2023 grant competitions. This funding, which is boosted by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, represents a significant investment in overburdened and underserved communities.EPA anticipates awarding approximately 198[…]

Episode 8 – Expanding the Brownfields Redevelopment Table w/ Jean Hamerman and Joelle Greenland

In this episode of the Redevelopment Institute Podcast, Leslie Parrish interviews Jean Hamerman and Joelle Greenland from the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR). CCLR is a national nonprofit focused on the equitable and sustainable clean-up of brownfields, with an environmental justice lens. Jean and Joelle discuss how approaches to brownfields redevelopment have evolved to become[…]

EDA Funding Opportunity Alert

The Economic Development Administration (EDA) has announced two new notices of funding opportunities: the FY 2022 CARES Act Economic Recovery Corps and the Equity Impact Investment program. These two programs are designed to support underserved communities throughout the United States. The Economic Recovery Corps is a network of fellows designed to add human capital to[…]

Episode 7 – From Regulator to Developer: A Unique Perspective w/ Colleen Kokas

Colleen Kokas, EVP at Environmental Liability Transfer (ELT), discusses the multi-disciplinary aspects of site remediation in this episode of the Redevelopment Institute Podcast. As a former regulator and brownfields project manager for NJDEP, Colleen discusses the transition to private developer. She talks about projects past and present, and how this still largely male-dominated field continues to evolve. Colleen[…]

USDA Rural Development Launches Placemaking Toolkit

USDA Rural Development and The University of Kentucky have launched a new digital placemaking toolkit for rural communities. This will allow leaders across America to access resources that will assist in assessing their communities for placemaking readiness.   Placemaking includes plans to create quality places where people want live, work, and visit. This can be created[…]

New Rural Community Resources Guide Available

The USDA and EDA have teamed up to offer assistance in improving communities as places to live and work. This new guide outlines the programs available to help community organizations access USDA and EDA resources to build strategies to boost economic development in rural America. The four focus areas are: Planning and technical assistance Infrastructure[…]