Superfund Task Force Releases Final Report

Yesterday, USEPA announced the availability of final recommendations for Superfund. Actions related to four goals were presented. As promised, it is a comprehensive look at the range of actions from expediting cleanup to redevelopment. I think it is well worth reading and following up on.

Vita Nuova Webinar: Aligning the Stars in Opportunity Zones

On May 10, 2019, Vita Nuova hosted a webinar discussing the new and exciting possibilities for Opportunity Zones, a new tool for encouraging private investment in low-income communities. If you were unable to join the webinar live, you can watch a recording for free anytime by clicking here. Since the webinar, there have been a[…]

EPA Requests Clarification to IRS Opportunity Zone Guidance to Spur Brownfield Remediation

Last month, the EPA’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) requested clarification from the IRS on the extent to which brownfield site remediation could be facilitated through investments in Opportunity Zones. As noted in a previous article, investors can enjoy deferred taxes and other incentives when investing in designated Opportunity Zones. The IRS released[…]