Shaping Our Appalachian Region: A Nonprofit Driving Population Growth in Eastern Kentucky

Shaping Our Appalachian Region: A Nonprofit Driving Population Growth in Eastern Kentucky - Nov 1, 2024 12:00pm

The coal industry has historically been a major economic driver in regions like Eastern Kentucky, providing jobs and fueling local economies. For decades, however, the industry has experienced a significant decline due to factors of decreased demand, automation and technology. While the coal industry still exists in some capacity, its role as a cornerstone of[…]

Episode 17 – Coming Together to Facilitate Redevelopment: The Surplus Property Roundtable w/Mike Goldstein and Mike Malley

Mike Goldstein and Mike Malley join the Redevelopment Trailblazers podcast to talk about the Surplus Property Roundtable  (SPR) – a consortium made up of real estate and environmental managers from Fortune 500 companies who are responsible for the management, remediation, repurposing, and disposition of surplus real estate assets with legacy environmental issues. We talk about the surplus property market[…]

Episode 16 – Revitalizing Energy Communities w/Brian Anderson

Brian Anderson

In this episode, Brian Anderson joins the podcast to discuss how the Energy Communities Interagency Working Group helps communities impacted by coal mine and coal power plant closures transition to new economic opportunities. Formed in 2021, the IWG coordinates federal investments and resources to support job creation, economic revitalization, and infrastructure improvements in these areas. In his role as[…]

Reviving Buildings That Create Jobs – June 21, 2024

Reviving Buildings That Create Jobs - June 21, 2024

Empty industrial buildings can be transformed into economic engines. The world’s first business incubator was started in a recycled brownfield factory in 1959. Obsolete, old industrial, commercial, and institutional properties can be filled with businesses to create jobs for local people in a variety of ways. Join us to learn about practical concepts that have[…]

Exploring Strategies for Sustainable Redevelopment of Industrial Properties from the Corporate Perspective – April 19, 2024 12pm ET

Exploring Strategies for Sustainable Redevelopment of Industrial Properties from the Corporate Perspective 

(See recording below) Industrial property owners often face the challenge of having closed facilities and retired assets that are strong candidates for repurposing but are hindered by legacy contamination and other issues that complicate redevelopment. Establishing a strategic approach to managing, remediating, and ultimately finding new uses for these surplus properties can be difficult. This[…]

Introducing the New Redevelopment Trailblazers Webinar Series

Introducing the New Redevelopment Trailblazers Webinar Series

In keeping with the tradition of providing cutting-edge information about redevelopment trends, the Redevelopment Institute is reinaugurating the webinar series that started in 2006! Now called the Redevelopment Trailblazers Webinar Series, the program will continue to focus on best practices and innovative approaches across the redevelopment landscape. While America is constantly rebuilding its cities and[…]

The Power of Partnerships: Exploring ULI’s Homeless to Housed Initiative – Friday, February 23, 12-1 PM ET

Redevelopment Trailblazers Webinar Series  The Power of Partnerships: Exploring ULI's Homeless to Housed Initiative

In 2022, the Urban Land Institute (ULI) launched its Homeless to Housed (H2H) initiative through the release of its report “Homeless to Housed: The ULI Perspective.” The report, along with ULI’s growing H2H solutions library, showcases successful public-private-provider partnerships (P4s) and their vital role in delivering affordable housing for people experiencing homelessness. In this inaugural Redevelopment Trailblazers[…]

Episode 15 – Buildings that Create Jobs: Exploring Business Incubators w/ Tom Mancuso

Episode 15 – Buildings that Create Jobs: Exploring Business Incubators w/ Tom Mancuso

In this episode, Vita Nuova member Tom Mancuso discusses the key elements of taking a business incubator approach to creating local, long-lasting jobs for a community while recycling industrial and commercial properties. Based on decades of experience running the family business that pioneered this approach, Tom outlines the essential components of successful business incubators. He also emphasizes the versatility[…]

EPA’s Revitalization-Ready Guide Assists Communities with Brownfields Redevelopment Projects

EPA’s Revitalization-Ready Guide Assists Communities with Brownfields Redevelopment Projects

Vita Nuova provided significant support to EPA’s Land Revitalization program in developing its Revitalization-Ready Guide, which describes the process communities will go through to redevelop contaminated, idle, and underused properties (brownfield sites). Designed for local and county governments, tribes, quasi-governmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations, the guide outlines a five-step process to help communities identify revitalization[…]