Barbara Greenfield is a national expert in removing impediments and finding innovative ways to make redevelopment work at complex sites. Ms. Greenfield is known as a leader and innovator in achieving redevelopment at Superfund sites in the Environmental Protection Agency’s Region 6. Known for her work with owners, developers and communities, Ms. Greenfield worked with enforcement and Department of Justice staff to craft innovative solutions to promote redevelopment and limit the liabilities of parties to the transactions. Prior to serving as Redevelopment Coordinator for Region 6, Ms. Greenfield served as Deputy Director of Enforcement and as Regional Counsel for Region 6. She served in various capacities as Chief of the Waste and Superfund divisions within Region 6. Prior to her career at EPA, Ms. Greenfield held numerous roles in private practice. Ms. Greenfield holds a Bachelor’s in Political Science from New York University, a Master’s in American Constitutional History from Columbia University and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from New York University School of Law. She was the recipient of the Newman Prize for Public Law, the West Publishing Prize in Constitution Law and the Bancroft-Whitney Prize in Conflicts of Law.